Take Action
Active and fair participation is the heart of democracy.We need your help to make a difference.
We’re here to provide access to the tools you can use to make a difference.
There are several ways you can help contribute.
- If you’d like to help financially – we need donations.
- We need people to get involved at events.
- Participate in the People’s Maps Commission by submitting a written comment or watching any of the 8 hearings.
Take Action
Contact the Media
One of the greatest tools you have at your disposal is your voice. Write an op-ed or letter to the editor in our local newspaper. Call in to your local or regional radio show. Spread the word to people in your community and spready the word about the need to end partisan map-rigging and make elections fair again.
Contact Your Legislators
In order to make a lasting effort, we need you to reach out to your legislators. Let them know you want legislation that prevents gerrymandering, and that there are resources to help them make fair maps. The League of Women Voters has made it easy for you here.